Mentor is India's first print magazine focused on the school principal and is poised to be the new voice for education in India . Mentor gives school principals a platform on which they could work together to reinstate their position. Mentor is an agent for change, not just for a few schools but for the educational system overall. Mentor allows the principal to move into a realm that will be more powerful, more productive and significantly impact the teaching and learning process.
Mentor will bring about an enhanced sense of a learning community, principal empowerment and expanded leadership roles. It allows the principal to move into a realm that will be more powerful, more productive and significantly impact the teaching and learning process. In short, Mentor is going to be the platform for Heads, teachers, parents, the Government and students to come together on a single platform and change the system.
Our schools are the primary resource for enabling India 's children to meet the challenges they will surely face in time to come. Principals have a primary role to equip our children in their formative years so they will be ready, when their time comes, to take up awesome responsibilities. Principals face several problems and challenges today and the chief objective of Mentor is to provide a platform where school principals of India can get together and work as one unified body.
Keeping in mind today's busy and over-committed reader, Mentor has been designed with compact care, including vital and necessary contemporary issues relating to education, even as the magazine perfects the art of getting straight to the point.
Mentor is an endeavour of The Activity – One of the largest organisations working with schools in India. It is committed to provide opportunities beyond academics for the all round development of students. It has spread innovative educational ideas across schools and colleges in over 35 cities through its events, workshops, training, consultancy and content development - all aimed at "Enabling Young People to Grow into Fine Human Beings."
1 comment:
The following Videos are available for you at the links
at http://zookeepersblog.wordpress.com/iit-jee-ipho-apho-physics-mathematics-videos-for-std-9-to-12/
These explain tricky Physics and Mathematics Numericals.
Eventually Prof. Subhashish will try to give Videos for full course here for you.
These covers PU ( Pre University courses, school / college ) courses, IIT JEE, AIEEE ( All India Engineering Entrance Examination ) , CET ( Combined Engineering Test ), AIPMT ( All India Pre Medical Test ), ISc ( Intermediate Science / Indian School Certificate Exam ), CBSE ( Central Board Secondary Exam ), Roorkey Joint Entrance Test Questions ( Discontinued since 2002 ), APhO ( Asian Physics Olympiad ), IPhO ( International Physics Olympiad ), IMO ( International Mathematics Olympiad ) , NSEP ( National Standard Exam in Physics ), RMO ( Regional Math Olympiad , India ), INMO ( Indian National Maths Olympiad ), Irodov Solutions, Prof. H C Verma ( Concepts of Physics ) Solutions etc.
( You can see the history of Indian Participation in various Olympiads at -> http://zookeepersblog.wordpress.com/indian-participation-in-ipho-icho-ibo-and-astronomy-olympiad/ )
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